Wednesday, June 2, 2010

On the mend

  After my "bug" a week ago or more, I am feeling 100%!  Yeah!  A 100% better but also 100 % overwhelmed!  We have spent the last week in my husband's hometown of Columbus off and on.  We are now home to stay for a while thank God.
  My husband and his brother sold their deceased mother's condo whih is both good and bad.  Good because we no longer have to make the monthly condo fee payments on it, but bad because it is a chapter of our lives that is officially closing!  Which is very tough.
  My brother inlaw and his wife (which I will affectionately call "The Witch" more on that some other time) were going the last bits and pieces of my mother inlaw's belongings.
  My mother inlaw was a "pack rat" never threw anything away.  I was very, very close to her and felt bad about throwing anything away (because I now if she kept it, it must of meant something to her) even if it was some napkin from somewhere she had been.
  But, I'm still glad I was there to be the voice of reason at times.  "The Witch" (my sister inlaw) was not close to my mother inlaw, and I think she was jealous of the relationship I had with her (though she will never say it, and I think that's just one of the "issues" she has with me and my husband).  Her idea for everything was to just donate things or throw them away.  She was just going to throw away the locks of hair from my husband's first haircut that were carefully place in a sealed envelope and labeled by his mother, so I took them.
  My husband and his brother opened a box and found folded up linens inside and were going to donate them. I looked at them and realized they looked just like the linens that their Great Grandmother had hand stitched in the early 1900's that were given to me by their aunt.  Their aunt didn't want anyone else to have them, so she gave them to me.  I told them not to donate them, and told them what they were (they didn't know any better).  "The Witch" tells them to not listen to me and just "get rid of them".  I said "there's no way in the world that I'm going to let a family heirloom just go to some stranger who doesn't know a thing about the family, and wouldn't appreciate what they are" so I took them, and heard "Witch" say "okay...stupid to keep them if you're just going to keep them in box and not use them!"  I said "their Great Grandmother hand stitched these, I'm holding on to them because I appreciate it!"  My brother inlaw doesn't put his foot down and speak his opinion to his wife (which irritates me to no end!)  If my husband or I have an opinion about anything, good or bad, we tell each other.
  Anyway, we ended up coming home with 2 car fulls of items we didn't want to be discarded, and I'm now dealing with the overwhelming task of fnding places for all this stuff!
  Does anyone know a way to preserve old letters?  let me know.

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